About The Project

TheLloyd4U includes more than a dozen improvement projects along the Lloyd Expressway. The projects extend from one end of Vanderburgh County to the other, from Posey County Line Road to Cross Pointe Boulevard. The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) plans to invest about $150 million in improvements to make the Lloyd Expressway more efficient and safer for motorists to navigate. In short, this project is about Making the Lloyd Work for You.

What's Happening Now?

The Project Team gathered information to develop solutions that reduce conflict points, enhance traffic flow, and improve safety. Activities included assessment of environmental impacts, traffic analysis, survey work, road design and bridge design. The Project Team received signed authorization to proceed to construction which is anticipated to begin in spring 2024.

TheLloyd4U improvements will be phased to minimize disruptions in service. Construction is anticipated to begin in spring 2024 and continue until 2028. Construction will begin at the Stockwell Road and Vann Avenue intersections. Later 2024, work will begin from Posey County Line Road and Ingle Avenue. The anticipated schedule for all improvements can be found below.  

What to Expect

A Traffic Management Plan was developed through collaboration with project stakeholders. Phased construction means different sections of the Lloyd will receive improvements at different times. Here’s how you can make living with the construction easier: 

  • Sign up for text or email updates so you are aware of changes as they happen
  • At least one lane of traffic will always be open in each direction. No portion of the Lloyd will ever be completely closed. However, reduced lanes will lead to congestion, especially at peak travel times. Plan your trips for off-peak travel times or use alternate routes to avoid the Lloyd. 
  • Be polite and learn how to zipper merge. The zipper merge is used when two lanes of traffic reduce to one. Rather than queuing up in the lane that will remain open, vehicle should stay in BOTH lanes until the lanes reduce and TAKE TURNS entering the open lane. It’s not impolite or cutting the line by keeping both lanes filled. Instead, it helps ensure that traffic doesn’t back up into the next intersection causing traffic jams. 

Construction Timeline

Phase One: Rosenberger Avenue to Cross Pointe Boulevard

Phase Two: Posey County Line Road to Rosenberger Avenue

It’s time! Be prepared for the latest construction activities.

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